Robomow RM510: Roboter-Rasenmäher im Test - Video

Robomow RM510: Roboter-Rasenmäher im Test - Video

06.06.2012, 11:51 03:06 Min. / FOCUS Online

" + "" + "" + "
" + "
" + "
"; $(".videoplayer-frame-lp").html( playerTemplate ); var g_ima_adsWidth = 800, g_ima_adsHeight = 450, g_ima_contentUrl = '', g_ima_adContainerId = 'contentBContainer', g_ima_countdownCaption = 'Die Anzeige endet in', g_ima_adPositionerId = 'contentBPositioner', g_ima_adHelper = 'contentBHelper', g_ima_videoContent = document.getElementById('contentElement'),// fuer Google Video Ads g_ima_videoContentSelector = "#contentElement", g_ima_contentFrameSelector = "#content", adsManager, adsLoader, adDisplayContainer, intervalTimer, contentInitialized = false, adsLoaded = false; var video_playing = false; = false; $("#" + g_ima_adContainerId).click(function(){ if ( !video_playing) { __playVideo(); } else { $("#" + g_ima_adContainerId).hide(); $("#" + g_ima_adHelper).hide(); } }); function __playVideo() { $("#playvideo").hide(); $("#videoFrame").show(); startPlayback(); } var detect = document.createElement('video'); if (typeof detect.canPlayType === 'function') { $("playerswffwid1").show(); $("holderplayerswffwid1").hide(); } else { $("playerswffwid1").hide(); $("holderplayerswffwid1").show(); } function initializeContent() { try { g_ima_videoContent.src = g_ima_contentUrl; g_ima_videoContent.addEventListener( 'loadedmetadata', function() { contentInitialized = true; if (adsLoaded) { startAds(); } }); // IMPORTANT: On older Android devices (2.3.5 or earlier), the loadedmetadata // event is not fired as a result of calling load() on the video element. // Instead, the event is received after calling play(). g_ima_videoContent.load(); } catch(err) { TFT.Core.Console.log("initializeContent", err, 'error'); } } function onAdsLoaded() { try { adsLoaded = true; if (contentInitialized) { startAds(); } } catch(err) { TFT.Core.Console.log("onAdsLoaded", err, 'error'); } } // Initial user action. function startPlayback() { try { //var adDisplayContianer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer(); createAdDisplayContainer(); var adsLoader = new google.ima.AdsLoader(adDisplayContainer); // Will call adsLoaded() once the ads are ready. requestAds(adsLoader); // Always initialize the container first. // schon in requestAds: adDisplayContainer.initialize(); // Initialize the content. This will start the playback once the ads // are loaded. initializeContent(); } catch(err) { playFallback(); TFT.Core.Console.log("startPlayback", err, 'error'); } } function playFallback() { /* e.g. when an adblocker is present */ var tmpVideo = $(g_ima_contentFrameSelector).html(); $("#" + g_ima_adContainerId).remove(); $("#" + g_ima_adHelper).remove(); $(g_ima_videoContentSelector).replaceWith( tmpVideo ); $(g_ima_videoContentSelector).attr("src", g_ima_contentUrl); g_ima_videoContent = document.getElementById('contentElement');; } function createAdDisplayContainer() { // We assume the adContainer is the DOM id of the element that will house // the ads. google.ima.settings.setLocale('de'); adDisplayContainer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer(document.getElementById(g_ima_adContainerId)); } function requestAds() { try { // Create the ad display container. // schon in Playback aufgerufen: createAdDisplayContainer(); // Initialize the container, if requestAds is invoked in a user action. // This is only needed on iOS/Android devices. adDisplayContainer.initialize(); // Create ads loader. adsLoader = new google.ima.AdsLoader(adDisplayContainer); // Listen and respond to ads loaded and error events. adsLoader.addEventListener( google.ima.AdsManagerLoadedEvent.Type.ADS_MANAGER_LOADED, onAdsManagerLoaded, false); adsLoader.addEventListener( google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, onAdError, false); // Request video ads. var adsRequest = new google.ima.AdsRequest(); adsRequest.adTagUrl = unescape(ads_gettag("PREROLL")); // Specify the linear and nonlinear slot sizes. This helps the SDK to // select the correct creative if multiple are returned. adsRequest.linearAdSlotWidth = g_ima_adsWidth; adsRequest.linearAdSlotHeight = g_ima_adsHeight; adsRequest.nonLinearAdSlotWidth = g_ima_adsWidth; adsRequest.nonLinearAdSlotHeight = 150; adsLoader.requestAds(adsRequest); } catch(err) { TFT.Core.Console.log("requestAds", err + " (it's very likely that an adblocker is present)", 'error'); } } function onAdsManagerLoaded(adsManagerLoadedEvent) { try { // Get the ads manager. adsManager = adsManagerLoadedEvent.getAdsManager( g_ima_videoContent); // See API reference for contentPlayback // Add listeners to the required events. adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, onAdError); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_PAUSE_REQUESTED, onContentPauseRequested); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_RESUME_REQUESTED, onContentResumeRequested); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.ALL_ADS_COMPLETED, onAdEvent); // Listen to any additional events, if necessary. adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED, onAdEvent); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.STARTED, onAdEvent); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.COMPLETE, onAdEvent); // Initialize the ads manager. Ad rules playlist will start at this time. adsManager.init(g_ima_adsWidth, g_ima_adsHeight, google.ima.ViewMode.NORMAL); // Call play to start showing the ad. Single video and overlay ads will // start at this time; the call will be ignored for ad rules. adsManager.start(); } catch (adError) { // An error may be thrown if there was a problem with the VAST response. TFT.Core.Console.log("adError", adError, 'error'); } } function onAdEvent(adEvent) { // Retrieve the ad from the event. Some events (e.g. ALL_ADS_COMPLETED) // don't have ad object associated. var ad = adEvent.getAd(), bShowCustomCountdown = false; switch (adEvent.type) { case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED: // This is the first event sent for an ad - it is possible to // determine whether the ad is a video ad or an overlay. if (!ad.isLinear()) { // Position AdDisplayContainer correctly for overlay. // Use ad.width and ad.height. } break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.STARTED: if ( ad.getAdSystem() == "GDFP" && typeof(ad.getWrapperAdSystems()) != "undefined" && String(ad.getWrapperAdSystems()) == "") { bShowCustomCountdown = true; } video_playing = true; // This event indicates the ad has started - the video player // can adjust the UI, for example display a pause button and // remaining time. if (ad.isLinear()) { // For a linear ad, a timer can be started to poll for // the remaining time. if ( bShowCustomCountdown ) { $("#" + g_ima_adHelper).show(); $("#" + g_ima_adHelper).text( g_ima_countdownCaption + "..." ); } intervalTimer = setInterval( function() { var remainingTime = adsManager.getRemainingTime(); $("#" + g_ima_adHelper).text( g_ima_countdownCaption + ": " + Math.round(remainingTime) + "s" ); }, 300); // every 300ms } break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.COMPLETE: // This event indicates the ad has finished - the video player // can perform appropriate UI actions, such as removing the timer for // remaining time detection. if (ad.isLinear()) { $("#" + g_ima_adHelper).hide(); clearInterval(intervalTimer); } = true; adsManager.stop(); $('#'+g_ima_adContainerId).hide(); break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.ALL_ADS_COMPLETED: break; } TFT.Core.Console.log("adEvent.type", adEvent.type, 'warn'); } function onAdError(adErrorEvent) { try { if ( String(adErrorEvent.getError()).indexOf("document is empty") ) { /* Adserver hat keine Preroll geliefert */ onContentResumeRequested(); return; } // Handle the error logging. TFT.Core.Console.log("onAdError", adErrorEvent.getError(), 'error'); adsManager.destroy(); } catch (err) { // An error may be thrown if there was a problem with the VAST response. TFT.Core.Console.log("onAdError", err, 'error'); } } function onContentPauseRequested() { g_ima_videoContent.pause(); // This function is where you should setup UI for showing ads (e.g. // display ad timer countdown, disable seeking etc.) // setupUIForAds(); } function onContentResumeRequested() { $("#" + g_ima_adHelper).hide(); $('#'+g_ima_adContainerId).hide();; // This function is where you should ensure that your UI is ready // to play content. It is the responsibility of the Publisher to // implement this function when necessary. // setupUIForContent(); } __playVideo(); }

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